Scorri Afferenza Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere

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Risultati da 5.694 a 5.713 di 6.406
Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autore/i Tipologia Documento allegato
1-gen-2009 The Mutiny Novel. Literary Responses to the English Sepoy Rebellion 1857-2007 Nicora, Flaminia 1.3 Libri - Books::1.3.01 Monografie o trattati scientifici - Books
1-gen-2014 The popularisation of scientific discourse for the Academia from a diachronic perspective: the case of Nobel lectures Maci, Stefania Maria 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2008 The Research Letter: an emerging medical genre Maci, Stefania Maria 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2023 The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation Maci, Stefania Maria; Demata, Massimiliano; Mcglashan, Mark; Seargeant, Philip 1.6 Curatele - Editorships::1.6.01 Curatele - Edited books
1-gen-2014 The significance of 'significant': value marking across disciplinary cultures Giannoni, Davide Simone 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2008 'The times they're a-changing': The Abolition of Feudal Tenure (Scotland) Act 2000 and Linguistic Strategies of Popularization Dossena, Marina 1.4 Contributi in atti di convegno - Contributions in conference proceedings::1.4.01 Contributi in atti di convegno - Conference presentations
1-gen-2003 The UNCITRAL Model and Italian Statute Law: A Linguistic and Topical Description Giannoni, Davide Simone 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2007 The World of Webmaps: New Challenges for Cartosemiotics Casti, Emanuela 1.4 Contributi in atti di convegno - Contributions in conference proceedings::1.4.01 Contributi in atti di convegno - Conference presentations
1-gen-2010 The “Good Americans”. U. S. Solidarity Networks for Chilean and Argentinean refugees (1973-1983) Calandra, Benedetta 1.1 Contributi in rivista - Journal contributions::1.1.01 Articoli/Saggi in rivista - Journal Articles/Essays
1-gen-2018 Thematic Input Paper 2: Actors, Approaches and Cooperation Related to Water Management and Natural Hazards Under Climate Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus Asryan, Armen; Baialieva, Gulzat; Cassara, Manon; Doerre, Andrei; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Menga, Filippo; Samakov, Aibek; Weiss, Andrea 1.7 Altre tipologie - Other research outputs::1.7.13 Altro - Other research outputs
1-gen-2018 Thematic Input Paper 3: Pathways to sustainable solutions to manage water and reduce disaster risks under climate change in Central Asia and the Caucasus Asryan, Armen; Baialieva, Gulzat; Cassara, Manon; Doerre, Andrei; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Gulomjanov, Ilhom; Menga, Filippo; Samakov, Aibek; Weiss, Andrea 1.7 Altre tipologie - Other research outputs::1.7.13 Altro - Other research outputs
1-gen-2023 Theodor Hildebrand’s "Der Vampyr, oder: Die Todtenbraut" between Modern Greek Folk Tales and German Romanticism Calzoni, Raul Mario 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2016 Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation Bidese, Ermenegildo; Cognola, Federica; Moroni, Manuela Caterina 1.6 Curatele - Editorships::1.6.01 Curatele - Edited books
1-gen-2010 Theoretische Ansätze zur "experimentellen Literatur" Helmut Heißenbüttels Calzoni, Raul Mario 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2004 Theorizing the Fantastic and Translating The Dream Locatelli, Angela 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2014 “There is reason to believe however…”: the construction of trust as reliability in Late Modern English correspondence and non-literary prose Dossena, Marina 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2019 “There were always Indians passing to and fro”. Notes on the representation of Native Americans in CHET documents Dossena, Marina 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2015 "These data support the provocative view that...": evaluation in medical academic posters. Maci, Stefania Maria 1.2 Contributi in volume - Book chapters::1.2.01 Contributi in volume (Capitoli o Saggi) - Book Chapters/Essays
1-gen-2020 "They [...] Who, moving others, are themselves as stone": Instances of moving and being unmoved in English Renaissance Rhetoric and Shakespeare Locatelli, Angela 1.1 Contributi in rivista - Journal contributions::1.1.01 Articoli/Saggi in rivista - Journal Articles/Essays
1-gen-2024 They come home again and again. Estetiche e politiche della riscrittura nel cinema slasher Previtali, Giuseppe 1.1 Contributi in rivista - Journal contributions::1.1.01 Articoli/Saggi in rivista - Journal Articles/Essays
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