Over the past decade, the trending decision of reshoring has been the center of attraction for researchers, specialists, and policymakers within operations and management. Although reshoring research has gained momentum over the last decade and many uncovered and untouched dimensions of reshoring notified within in research stream but still this phenomenon is at an exploratory level within the research stream. However, the current research available in academia is individual efforts of researchers and the center of gravity of reshoring research is reshoring drivers and reshoring motivations, although the next highest discussed debate in reshoring literature is its conceptual and literal definition. Since the reshoring decision is considered the backbone of the reshoring literature, this research focused on reshoring decision-making and other dimensions related to this decision. After COVID-19, the UK- Brexit, Ukraine- Russia invasion, trade war, and climate change, businesses are pushed to re-think their supply chains and reshoring is considered one of the effective practices to restructure the existing supply chains. In this thesis, the first essay was designed to inquire about the list of reshoring / back-shoring motivations and drivers and update the previously listed drivers through the systematic literature review of previously available articles. This essay employed a systematic literature review methodology to investigate the research on manufacturing back shoring in the last fifteen years since the first publication on back shoring drivers. The systematic review includes the content analysis of 137 articles focused on the presence and discussion of back-shoring drivers. These articles help to synthesize the 62 back-shoring drivers and motivations related to manufacturing relocation decisions. The drivers are categorized as “forgotten”, “question mark”, “evergreen”, and “trending”. The Second essay, the concept of parallel supply chains through manufacturing location decisions to maintain ambidexterity as a trade-off between cost (efficiency) and flexibility (responsiveness) during supply chain disruptions. The study based on a qualitative research approach consists of 22 field interviews with eight cases from multiple countries, specifically from the textile and apparel industry. The third essay is significant for the supplier’s perspective towards manufacturing location decisions as these decisions affect the entire supply chain and all the stakeholders are the direct effects of such decisions. This essay emphasizes the supplier’s involvement in reshoring decisions how it affects the overall success of the decision implementation, and the supplier’s social and economic sustainability. As in the reshoring literature, the supplier’s side has not been discussed until today, so there is still a need to inquire about this unveiled dimension of reshoring and this essay is trying to uncover the supplier’s approach and strategies towards the reshoring decision. Finally, the last essay, “Manufacturing relocation decisions- the role of key enabling technologies” is a future continuation of the reshoring decision research with the role of key enabling technologies in manufacturing location decisions. A multiple case study approach was used to explore the technologies’ role in relocation decisions.

Nell'ultimo decennio, il trend del reshoring è stato al centro dell'attenzione di ricercatori, specialisti e responsabili delle politiche operative e gestionali. Sebbene la ricerca sul reshoring abbia guadagnato slancio nell'ultimo decennio e molte dimensioni scoperte e non toccate del reshoring siano state notificate all'interno del flusso di ricerca, questo fenomeno è ancora a un livello esplorativo all'interno del flusso di ricerca. Tuttavia, l'attuale ricerca disponibile nel mondo accademico è costituita dagli sforzi individuali dei ricercatori e il centro di gravità della ricerca sul reshoring è rappresentato dai driver del reshoring e dalle motivazioni del reshoring, anche se il dibattito successivo più discusso nella letteratura sul reshoring è la sua definizione concettuale e letterale. Poiché la decisione di reshoring è considerata la spina dorsale della letteratura sul reshoring, questa ricerca si è concentrata sul processo decisionale di reshoring e su altre dimensioni correlate a questa decisione. Dopo il COVID-19, la Brexit del Regno Unito, l'invasione Ucraina-Russia, la guerra commerciale e il cambiamento climatico, le imprese sono spinte a ripensare le loro catene di fornitura e il reshoring è considerato una delle pratiche efficaci per ristrutturare le catene di fornitura esistenti. In questa tesi, il primo saggio è stato progettato per indagare sull'elenco delle motivazioni e dei driver del reshoring / back shoring e per aggiornare i driver precedentemente elencati attraverso la revisione sistematica della letteratura degli articoli precedentemente disponibili. Questo saggio ha utilizzato una metodologia di revisione sistematica della letteratura per indagare la ricerca sul back shoring manifatturiero negli ultimi quindici anni dalla prima pubblicazione sui driver del back shoring. La revisione sistematica comprende l'analisi del contenuto di 137 articoli incentrati sulla presenza e sulla discussione dei driver del back shoring. Questi articoli aiutano a sintetizzare i 62 driver del back shoring e le motivazioni legate alle decisioni di delocalizzazione produttiva. I driver sono classificati come "dimenticati", "punto interrogativo", "sempreverdi" e "di tendenza". Il secondo saggio, il concetto di catene di fornitura parallele attraverso le decisioni di localizzazione della produzione per mantenere l'ambidestria come compromesso tra costi (efficienza) e flessibilità (reattività) durante le interruzioni della catena di fornitura. Lo studio, basato su un approccio di ricerca qualitativa, consiste in 22 interviste sul campo con otto casi provenienti da diversi Paesi, in particolare dall'industria tessile e dell'abbigliamento. Il terzo saggio è significativo per il punto di vista del fornitore sulle decisioni di localizzazione della produzione, poiché queste decisioni influenzano l'intera catena di fornitura e tutti gli stakeholder sono gli effetti diretti di tali decisioni. Questo saggio pone l'accento sul coinvolgimento del fornitore nelle decisioni di reshoring e su come questo influisca sul successo complessivo dell'attuazione della decisione e sulla sostenibilità sociale ed economica del fornitore. Come nella letteratura sul reshoring, l'aspetto del fornitore non è stato discusso fino ad oggi, quindi c'è ancora bisogno di indagare su questa dimensione non rivelata del reshoring e questo saggio cerca di scoprire l'approccio e le strategie del fornitore verso la decisione di reshoring. Infine, l'ultimo saggio, "Decisioni di delocalizzazione manifatturiera - il ruolo delle tecnologie abilitanti", è una continuazione futura della ricerca sulle decisioni di reshoring con il ruolo delle tecnologie abilitanti nelle decisioni di localizzazione manifatturiera. Per esplorare il ruolo delle tecnologie nelle decisioni di delocalizzazione è stato utilizzato un approccio basato sullo studio di casi multipli.

(2024). Scoprire e comprendere le tendenze nuove e inesplorate delle decisioni di delocalizzazione del settore manifatturiero . Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10446/277989 Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.13122/khayyam-sanaa_phd2024-09-02

Scoprire e comprendere le tendenze nuove e inesplorate delle decisioni di delocalizzazione del settore manifatturiero



Over the past decade, the trending decision of reshoring has been the center of attraction for researchers, specialists, and policymakers within operations and management. Although reshoring research has gained momentum over the last decade and many uncovered and untouched dimensions of reshoring notified within in research stream but still this phenomenon is at an exploratory level within the research stream. However, the current research available in academia is individual efforts of researchers and the center of gravity of reshoring research is reshoring drivers and reshoring motivations, although the next highest discussed debate in reshoring literature is its conceptual and literal definition. Since the reshoring decision is considered the backbone of the reshoring literature, this research focused on reshoring decision-making and other dimensions related to this decision. After COVID-19, the UK- Brexit, Ukraine- Russia invasion, trade war, and climate change, businesses are pushed to re-think their supply chains and reshoring is considered one of the effective practices to restructure the existing supply chains. In this thesis, the first essay was designed to inquire about the list of reshoring / back-shoring motivations and drivers and update the previously listed drivers through the systematic literature review of previously available articles. This essay employed a systematic literature review methodology to investigate the research on manufacturing back shoring in the last fifteen years since the first publication on back shoring drivers. The systematic review includes the content analysis of 137 articles focused on the presence and discussion of back-shoring drivers. These articles help to synthesize the 62 back-shoring drivers and motivations related to manufacturing relocation decisions. The drivers are categorized as “forgotten”, “question mark”, “evergreen”, and “trending”. The Second essay, the concept of parallel supply chains through manufacturing location decisions to maintain ambidexterity as a trade-off between cost (efficiency) and flexibility (responsiveness) during supply chain disruptions. The study based on a qualitative research approach consists of 22 field interviews with eight cases from multiple countries, specifically from the textile and apparel industry. The third essay is significant for the supplier’s perspective towards manufacturing location decisions as these decisions affect the entire supply chain and all the stakeholders are the direct effects of such decisions. This essay emphasizes the supplier’s involvement in reshoring decisions how it affects the overall success of the decision implementation, and the supplier’s social and economic sustainability. As in the reshoring literature, the supplier’s side has not been discussed until today, so there is still a need to inquire about this unveiled dimension of reshoring and this essay is trying to uncover the supplier’s approach and strategies towards the reshoring decision. Finally, the last essay, “Manufacturing relocation decisions- the role of key enabling technologies” is a future continuation of the reshoring decision research with the role of key enabling technologies in manufacturing location decisions. A multiple case study approach was used to explore the technologies’ role in relocation decisions.
KALCHSCHMIDT, Matteo Giacomo Maria
BOFFELLI, Albachiara
Khayyam, Sanaa
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