This paper presents a plug-in, named Cloth Assembler, implemented in the framework of the Italian PRIN Project (Research Project of National Interest) VI-CLOTH (VIrtual CLOTHing). The base idea is to allow the designer to interactively define/ the necessary information to assemble 2D panels on a virtual mannequin and to generate the 3D physical model in its initial configuration, initial step for the garment simulation process. Starting from 2D single pieces, ClothAssembler allows a user, as a virtual tailor, to specify assembly rules among cloth panels (e.g., cut lines, dart, and buttons), insert accessories, such as zips and hooks, and, finally specify finishings on single pieces and the presence of different textile multi-layer, pockets, reinforcement lines, etc. The plug-in can be easily integrated with any commercial 2D CAD system and represents the connection element between 2D cloth world and 3D physics-based modelling and simulation systems. It has been validated with three real test-cases, a T-shirt, a denim skirt, and a pair of trousers.
A Plug-in to define assembling and sewing parameters for Virtual Clothing Simulation
CARUBELLI, Alberto;RIZZI, Caterina;
This paper presents a plug-in, named Cloth Assembler, implemented in the framework of the Italian PRIN Project (Research Project of National Interest) VI-CLOTH (VIrtual CLOTHing). The base idea is to allow the designer to interactively define/ the necessary information to assemble 2D panels on a virtual mannequin and to generate the 3D physical model in its initial configuration, initial step for the garment simulation process. Starting from 2D single pieces, ClothAssembler allows a user, as a virtual tailor, to specify assembly rules among cloth panels (e.g., cut lines, dart, and buttons), insert accessories, such as zips and hooks, and, finally specify finishings on single pieces and the presence of different textile multi-layer, pockets, reinforcement lines, etc. The plug-in can be easily integrated with any commercial 2D CAD system and represents the connection element between 2D cloth world and 3D physics-based modelling and simulation systems. It has been validated with three real test-cases, a T-shirt, a denim skirt, and a pair of trousers.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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