The article addresses the issue of end-of-life decisions in Canada. As an introduction, after some explanations regarding the terminology used in the analysis, the author outlines the juridical framework of the subject: the existence of common law jurisdictions, with the exception of Quebec; the intersection in the rules governing the subject of common law and statutory law; the complex distribution of federal and provincial competences. The article provides an analysis of the different situations regarding end-of-life decisions: active voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide; active involuntary euthanasia; withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment by competent individuals; withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment by incompetent individuals. Special attention is focused on the study of so-called advance directives, the analysis of which offers interesting points of reflection for the debate on living wills in Italy.
L’articolo affronta il tema delle decisioni di fine vita in Canada. In via preliminare, dopo alcune precisazioni sulla terminologia utilizzata nell’analisi, viene delineata la cornice ordinamentale in cui la materia si colloca: la sussistenza di common law jurisdictions, ad eccezione del Quèbec; l’intersecarsi nella regolamentazione di common law e statutory law; il complesso riparto di competenze federali e provinciali in materia sanitaria. Lo scritto fornisce una ricognizione delle diverse situazioni in cui la materia delle decisioni di fine vita si articola: eutanasia volontaria attiva e suicidio assistito; eutanasia involontaria attiva; rifiuto iniziale e interruzione di trattamenti di sostegno vitale da parte di individui capaci; non attivazione e interruzione di trattamenti di sostegno vitale rivolti a soggetti incapaci. Particolare attenzione è riservata allo studio c.d. advance directives, la cui analisi offre interessanti spunti di riflessione per il dibattito sul testamento biologico in Italia.
Le decisioni di fine vita in Canada: spunti di riflessione per il dibattito sul testamento biologico in Italia
The article addresses the issue of end-of-life decisions in Canada. As an introduction, after some explanations regarding the terminology used in the analysis, the author outlines the juridical framework of the subject: the existence of common law jurisdictions, with the exception of Quebec; the intersection in the rules governing the subject of common law and statutory law; the complex distribution of federal and provincial competences. The article provides an analysis of the different situations regarding end-of-life decisions: active voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide; active involuntary euthanasia; withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment by competent individuals; withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment by incompetent individuals. Special attention is focused on the study of so-called advance directives, the analysis of which offers interesting points of reflection for the debate on living wills in Italy.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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