S&D Archive - Archivio della rivista S&D
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 46.796
NA - Nord America 18.488
AS - Asia 3.984
AF - Africa 859
SA - Sud America 110
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 33
OC - Oceania 28
Totale 70.298
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 18.143
PL - Polonia 16.947
GB - Regno Unito 13.192
IE - Irlanda 4.509
IT - Italia 4.390
RU - Federazione Russa 2.716
CN - Cina 2.528
DE - Germania 1.702
FR - Francia 1.235
SE - Svezia 631
UA - Ucraina 555
EU - Europa 418
AT - Austria 342
CA - Canada 314
SG - Singapore 233
PH - Filippine 191
IN - India 188
ID - Indonesia 183
NL - Olanda 183
TN - Tunisia 166
KR - Corea 136
JP - Giappone 118
BE - Belgio 110
MA - Marocco 96
CI - Costa d'Avorio 86
MY - Malesia 81
NG - Nigeria 80
PK - Pakistan 63
VN - Vietnam 51
KE - Kenya 48
CM - Camerun 43
LT - Lituania 42
PE - Perù 42
SN - Senegal 42
TR - Turchia 42
BJ - Benin 41
RO - Romania 37
ET - Etiopia 34
ZA - Sudafrica 31
FI - Finlandia 30
GH - Ghana 29
CO - Colombia 28
ES - Italia 27
DZ - Algeria 26
BR - Brasile 21
IR - Iran 21
KZ - Kazakistan 21
BY - Bielorussia 20
AU - Australia 19
IS - Islanda 19
MR - Mauritania 18
BF - Burkina Faso 17
HU - Ungheria 17
CH - Svizzera 16
TG - Togo 16
TH - Thailandia 15
PT - Portogallo 14
HK - Hong Kong 13
MX - Messico 13
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 12
BD - Bangladesh 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
TZ - Tanzania 12
NO - Norvegia 11
NP - Nepal 11
SA - Arabia Saudita 11
SC - Seychelles 11
UG - Uganda 11
LK - Sri Lanka 10
BO - Bolivia 8
LV - Lettonia 8
GA - Gabon 7
IQ - Iraq 7
MU - Mauritius 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 7
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 6
CD - Congo 5
DK - Danimarca 5
GR - Grecia 5
MD - Moldavia 5
MN - Mongolia 5
TW - Taiwan 5
AM - Armenia 4
BG - Bulgaria 4
EC - Ecuador 4
HT - Haiti 4
LB - Libano 4
ML - Mali 4
RW - Ruanda 4
A1 - Anonimo 3
AR - Argentina 3
BB - Barbados 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
EG - Egitto 3
GN - Guinea 3
IL - Israele 3
MG - Madagascar 3
SL - Sierra Leone 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
ZW - Zimbabwe 3
Totale 70.643
Città #
Warsaw 16.619
Southend 12.735
Dublin 4.224
Mountain View 2.440
Dalmine 1.594
Wilmington 1.356
Jacksonville 1.114
Ann Arbor 797
Chandler 791
Sayreville 622
Ashburn 592
Sunnyvale 551
Milan 501
Kiez 397
Seattle 388
Fairfield 377
Princeton 374
Atlanta 363
Beijing 357
Bergamo 357
Nanjing 351
Houston 337
Vienna 331
Kraków 308
Dearborn 296
Santa Clara 282
Rancio Valcuvia 271
Toronto 251
Woodbridge 247
San Francisco 214
Boardman 186
Shanghai 146
Nanchang 145
Jakarta 136
San Mateo 125
Cebu 119
Singapore 116
Cambridge 114
Kansas City 114
Nürnberg 109
Redwood City 107
Altamura 106
Moscow 102
Washington 97
Needham Heights 89
Menlo Park 86
Serra 86
Brussels 74
Abidjan 69
Kunming 65
Hebei 63
Shenyang 61
Andover 59
Falls Church 56
Zhengzhou 56
Saint Petersburg 54
Tianjin 53
Berlin 52
Jiaxing 50
Ogden 50
San Diego 50
Guangzhou 43
Dallas 39
Shenzhen 37
Vilnius 36
Hangzhou 34
Chicago 32
Dong Ket 30
New York 29
Phoenix 29
Leipzig 28
Ottawa 28
Lima 27
Casablanca 25
Harbin 25
Rouen 25
Darmstadt 24
Fuzhou 24
Lagos 23
Los Angeles 23
Rome 23
Changsha 22
Nerviano 22
Daejeon 21
Hefei 21
Norwalk 21
Paris 21
Bogotá 20
Lanzhou 20
Minsk 20
Osaka 20
Verona 20
Kuala Lumpur 19
Rabat 19
Accra 18
Jinan 18
London 18
Santa Barbara 18
Frankfurt am Main 17
Seneca 17
Totale 53.188
Nome #
A credit scoring model for development banks: an African case study 1.268
Factors driving usage of financial services from different financial access strands in Kenya 938
Bangladeshi monetary policy transmission mechanism: asymmetric responses, inflation, and policy time lags 930
Corruption, investissements et croissance économique en Côte d'Ivoire 928
Perceived basis risk and the heterogeneous demand for weather derivatives in Southern Ethiopia 877
The informal system of remittances and currency board: complementarity or antagonism? the case of hawala transfers in Djibouti 858
Ethical investment and Shari'ah-compliant investment compared: can investors benefit from diversification? 851
Microsavings and market saturation: the evolution of diversity in saving products 849
Factors impacting geographical distribution of directed lending: a study of Indian banking 804
Personal assets, access to credit and gender entrepreneurial disparities: the case of the South African informal sector 800
The arrival of public information and asset price behavior in emerging markets: evidence from stock market in Pakistan 788
Microfinance institutions on the remittances market: do money transfer activities generate deposits? 762
Saving, debt inflows, and growth Nexus in Tunisia 740
A microeconometric analysis of household savings determinants in Morocco 722
The role of community banks in economic development: a Nigerian case study 710
Microfinance and poverty reduction in rural Nigeria 700
La réglementation a-t-elle un impact sur les performances de la microfinance? Le cas du Cameroun 695
Innovative flexible products in microfinance 695
Risk, return and trading volume relationship in an emerging stock market: a case study of Karachi stock exchange 684
La gestion des risques opérationnels dans les institutions de microfinance. Une approche exploratoire 674
Remittances and financial sector development. Lessons from the Salvadoran case 662
Paying for community-based health insurance schemes in rural Nigeria: the use of in-king payments 660
Foreign direct investment in Africa: what are the key factors of attraction other than natural resources? 657
The value of skills training in the improvement of socio-economic status of microfinance beneficiaries: A case study at Grameen Ghana 656
Microsavings mobilization innovations and poverty alleviation in Nigeria 643
Bridges to cash: the retail end of M-PESA 643
Macroeconomic impacts of the global financial crisis on the Bangladesh economy 638
The small and medium scale industries equity investment scheme in Nigeria: a critique 630
Paying dividends by Kenyan companies 628
Credit risk in microcredit: how does gender matter? 625
The impact of Asian financial crisis on bank performance: empirical evidence from Thailand and Malaysia 620
Insurance solvency supervision, European regulation and takaful products 619
Testing the impact of foreign aid on domestic private investment in West Africa 616
Underwriting area-based yield insurance to crowd-in credit supply and demand 616
The IDDIR: an informal insurance arrangement in Ethiopia 614
Reform, growth and resilience of savings-led commercial microfinance institutions: the case of the microbanking units of Bank Rakyat, Indonesia 614
Financing coffee farmers in Ethiopia: challenges and opportunities 611
ROSCAs in Uganda: beyond economic rationality? 609
The role of bank lending in the monetary transmission process of a developing economy: evidence from Malaysia 608
Remittance multiplier effect: do migrant remittances impact the mass of non-migrant households in Nigeria? 607
Développement financier et croissance economique en Mauritanie: opportunités et conditions 604
New estimates of the effect of financial liberalisation on economic growth in Nigeria 603
The determinants of financial performance of microfinance institutions in Morocco: a panel data analysis 597
What macro factors make microfinance institutions reach out? 593
Is there a difference in poverty outreach by type of microfinance institution? Country studies from Asia and Latin America 592
The determinants of loan delinquency in urban microfinance institutions in Cameroon 592
Gandhi vs Gauss: ethical issues in micro and small business finance 590
Multivariate causality between financial depth and economic growth in Nigeria 589
Corporate governance, concentration, and economic growth in the GCC banking sector 589
Combined microfinance: a conceptual approach revealing relevant knowledge gaps 589
Finance-growth nexus and inflation dynamics in Kenya: an empirical investigation 587
Demographic structure and private savings in selected countries of the Oceania region 585
Sensitivity of loan size to lending rates evidence from Ghana's microfinance sector 583
Macroeconomic developments and banks' behaviour in Kenya: a panel data analysis 582
Successes in expanding microfinance opportunities in rural Ethiopia: can the entrepreneurship challenge be overcome? 582
Macroeconomic variables and stock market performance: testing for dynamic linkages with a known structural break 580
Subprime crisis and contagion: evidence from the BRVM 578
Financial liberalization, financial development and economic growth: evidence from Bangladesh 577
Understanding financial abandoning from a micro perspective: policy responses to promote inclusion in India 577
Access to credit and its effect on the adoption of agricultural technologies: the case of Zanzibar 576
How do social and financial performance of microfinance institutions interact? A panel data study upon the MENA region (1998-2011) 576
Analyse de la derive de mission des IMF a partir des criteres de selection 574
The transaction costs of lenders and borrowers in a Brazilian microcredit organization 571
Does derivative instruments use increase accounting performance of banks in emerging and recently developed countries 571
Credit concentration of Brazilian rural activities from 2000 to 2007 570
Le niveau d'innovation des entreprises et ses conséquences sur la performance financière: cas des entreprises Tunisiennes 570
Asset building and poverty reduction in Ghana: the case of microfinance 569
Financial exclusion: what drives supply and demand for basic financial services in Ghana? 569
Le crédit scoring: une nouvelle voie pour réduire les problèmes de remboursement et améliorer la performance des IMFs 568
Risks and efficiency in Malaysian banking 563
Assessment of access to financial capital by rural people in Ghana: the case of the Upper East region 561
Stock market and private consumption in Malaysia 560
Exchange rate and equity prices relationship: an empirical evidence from Pakistani financial markets 559
Déterminants de la durée de retard de remboursement des microcrédits individuels: application l'un modèle de durée 558
Financial liberalization and financial development in Iraq 557
A monetary union for selected Caribbean countries: empirical evidence based on time varying parameters 556
Stock return volatility, global financial crisis and the monthly seasonal effect on the Nigerian stock exchange 556
Interest rate reforms, financial depth and savings in Tanzania: a dynamic linkage 553
The demand for microcredit as a determinant for microfinance outreach: evidence from China 553
The changing phase of farm credit delivery in Nigeria: a review of nature, characteristics and accessibility 549
The financing issue for african MFIs: an overview of mesofinance experiences 546
Laptop, Livestock drawings and Ricewine: a demand analysis for Livestock insurance in Northern Vietnam 544
Statistical analysis of the performance of microfinance institutions: the Ethiopian case 542
Performance of microfinance: the role of subsidies 540
Macroeconomic variables and stock returns in Malaysia: an application of the ARDL bound testing approach 537
Does financial development cause economic growth in the ASEAN-4 Countries? 537
An empirical evaluation of Nigeria's inter-temporal current account solvency 537
Développement financier et croissance économique dans les Pais de l'UEMOA: y a-t-il des différences sectorielles? 536
Previsibilité des rentabilités boursieres: cas de la BRVM 536
Gender characteristics of the determinants of access to formal credit in rural Zanzibar 535
Demographic structure and private savings: some evidence from emerging markets 535
Private savings, growth, dependency ratio and foreign capital: some issues and lessons from Malaysia 533
Are poverty reduction programmes less effective in troubled states? An empirical household level investigation in rural India 532
Informal financial market in Ghana: factors influencing participation by maize farmers 532
The impact of full removal of capital account controls on foreign direct investment (FDI) flows for Barbados using an impulse response function 530
Toward Maghreb monetary unification: what does the theory and history tell us? 528
The role of non-government organisations in microfinance 527
The impact of currency unions on trade: lessons from CFA franc zone and implications for proposed African monetary unions 527
Financial markets: the recent experience of a developing economy 526
The monetary policy transmission from official rate to unofficial rate under liquidity adjustment facility in India 525
Totale 62.542

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20206.014 0 0 0 0 901 772 949 623 892 603 620 654
2020/20219.109 678 671 553 718 801 778 1.175 436 1.081 981 893 344
2021/20226.925 316 684 278 440 527 873 288 227 1.104 1.128 595 465
2022/20233.517 602 322 378 471 264 677 94 169 282 50 110 98
2023/20245.567 104 75 122 128 118 1.069 3.185 362 102 31 29 242
2024/20251.611 197 413 273 683 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 73.830