PALEARI, Stefano
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 58.951
NA - Nord America 17.080
AS - Asia 8.038
SA - Sud America 147
AF - Africa 120
OC - Oceania 87
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 30
Totale 84.453
Nazione #
GB - Regno Unito 18.296
US - Stati Uniti d'America 16.547
SE - Svezia 12.495
IE - Irlanda 7.026
PL - Polonia 6.524
IT - Italia 5.943
CN - Cina 5.874
RU - Federazione Russa 2.927
DE - Germania 1.960
FR - Francia 1.394
UA - Ucraina 622
SG - Singapore 527
CA - Canada 493
NL - Olanda 400
IN - India 359
KR - Corea 228
FI - Finlandia 214
TR - Turchia 184
EU - Europa 180
BE - Belgio 154
AT - Austria 136
ES - Italia 133
ID - Indonesia 124
VN - Vietnam 118
CH - Svizzera 103
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 88
PT - Portogallo 87
MY - Malesia 74
JO - Giordania 72
AU - Australia 66
HK - Hong Kong 64
JP - Giappone 60
BR - Brasile 58
RO - Romania 54
GR - Grecia 51
LV - Lettonia 48
DK - Danimarca 45
NO - Norvegia 41
PH - Filippine 39
IR - Iran 38
TW - Taiwan 38
BD - Bangladesh 37
PK - Pakistan 35
LT - Lituania 29
MD - Moldavia 29
ZA - Sudafrica 29
CY - Cipro 28
MX - Messico 28
TH - Thailandia 28
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 27
HU - Ungheria 26
EC - Ecuador 21
AR - Argentina 20
NG - Nigeria 20
IL - Israele 19
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 18
HR - Croazia 17
PE - Perù 17
CL - Cile 16
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 16
SA - Arabia Saudita 16
BG - Bulgaria 15
RS - Serbia 13
MT - Malta 12
EE - Estonia 11
KE - Kenya 11
SI - Slovenia 11
BY - Bielorussia 10
KZ - Kazakistan 10
LK - Sri Lanka 10
CO - Colombia 9
EG - Egitto 8
LU - Lussemburgo 8
GH - Ghana 7
AL - Albania 6
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 6
SC - Seychelles 6
AM - Armenia 5
IQ - Iraq 5
MK - Macedonia 5
TN - Tunisia 5
ZW - Zimbabwe 5
TZ - Tanzania 4
UG - Uganda 4
ZM - Zambia 4
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
DZ - Algeria 3
MU - Mauritius 3
PA - Panama 3
BB - Barbados 2
BN - Brunei Darussalam 2
CM - Camerun 2
ET - Etiopia 2
GU - Guam 2
JM - Giamaica 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
MA - Marocco 2
MV - Maldive 2
Totale 84.586
Città #
Southend 17.051
Örebro 11.251
Dublin 6.908
Warsaw 6.458
Jacksonville 1.556
Chandler 1.122
Ashburn 877
Mountain View 873
Beijing 781
Ann Arbor 746
Dalmine 664
Princeton 604
Fairfield 555
Nanjing 544
Milan 476
Woodbridge 441
Rancio Valcuvia 408
Houston 399
Toronto 384
Wilmington 377
Boardman 375
Dearborn 330
Washington 312
Singapore 304
Seattle 295
Bergamo 284
Cambridge 256
Shanghai 248
Sayreville 238
San Mateo 216
Nanchang 207
Rome 204
Redwood City 192
Atlanta 184
Sunnyvale 178
Milton Keynes 169
Moscow 168
Andover 153
Kunming 123
London 121
Vienna 119
Kiez 114
Hebei 111
Tianjin 109
Nürnberg 100
Jakarta 97
Amsterdam 96
Needham Heights 94
Dong Ket 91
Guangzhou 90
Santa Clara 86
Hangzhou 84
Shenyang 84
Kocaeli 83
Zhengzhou 77
Ogden 75
Altamura 74
Los Angeles 71
Munich 69
Amman 63
Brussels 55
Jinan 52
New York 50
Jiaxing 48
Philadelphia 45
Serra 45
Fagnano Olona 43
Riga 41
Berlin 38
Brescia 38
Brno 38
Napoli 38
San Diego 38
Changsha 37
Pittsburgh 36
Bologna 35
Auburn Hills 34
Norwalk 34
Padova 34
Verona 34
Lanzhou 33
Seoul 33
Birmingham 31
Helsinki 30
Augusta 28
Kiel 27
Mannheim 27
Ottawa 27
Taipei 27
Florence 26
Dallas 25
Paris 25
Hefei 24
Changchun 23
Segrate 23
Westminster 23
Carignano 22
Chengdu 22
Ferrara 22
Kuala Lumpur 22
Totale 60.152
Nome #
Pricing strategies of low-cost airlines: the Ryanair case 3.007
Value determinants in the aviation industry 1.636
Torcia con lente di ingrandimento 1.592
Airport classification and functionality within the European network 1.543
Entrepreneurship, technology and change: a review and proposal for an interpretative framework 1.520
The accessibility of European regions and airport network 1.517
New routes and airport connectivity 1.402
Low-cost fare response to new entry 1.375
IPO pricing: growth rates implied in offer prices 1.362
An empirical investigation on the efficiency, capacity and ownership of Italian airports 1.351
Hub competition and travel times in the worldwide airport network 1.345
De-Hubbing cases and recovery patterns 1.315
A comparative study of airport connectivity in China, Europe and US: which network provides the best service to passengers? 1.314
The efficiency of European airports: do the importance in the EU network and the intensity of competition matter? 1.294
Connectivity of the European airport network: "self-help hubbing" and business implications 1.283
When academia comes to market: does university affiliation reduce the uncertainty of IPOs? 1.274
The valuation of IPOs in the European legal framework 1.264
The M&A dynamics of European science-based entrepreneurial firms 1.258
Financing and managing health expenditure: evaluation of aging and capitation criteria in the Italian healthcare system 1.211
IPO valuation of European pyramidal groups 1.196
The role of regional innovation systems in regional transformation models: the RIS-through process 1.184
Entrepreneurship as a renewal in mature industries 1.182
Use and abuse of rights issues. Do they really protect minorities? 1.178
Regulation effects on company beta components 1.176
Controlling shareholders and minority protection: governance lessons from the case of Telecom Italia 1.176
Siringa a iniezione multipla con ago retrattile e azionamento assistito dell'ago per iniezione e ritorno. 1.171
Do Ryanair's fares change over time? An empirical analysis on the 2006-2007 flights 1.102
Le strategie di pricing delle compagnie low cost: il caso Ryanair 732
Academic EurIPO Fact Book 2006 726
Universities’ attractiveness to students: The Darwinism effect 673
The Cost of Going Public: a European Perspective 657
Higher Education Reform in Italy: Tightening Regulation Instead of Steering at a Distance 627
EU-US open skies agreement: what is changed in the north transatlantic skies? 571
The Low-cost fare response to new entry 518
Academic EurIPO FactBook 2009 469
IPO Underpricing in Italy 451
Evolution of long distance students’ mobility: the role of transport infrastructures in Italy 451
Academic EurIPO FactBook 2010 434
Impatto della liberalizzazione nel trasporto aereo in Italia sulla struttura del settore 431
Air Transport in Europe: ICCSAI Fact Book 2008 405
L'uso del WACC nella valutazione di impresa: limiti tecnici e considerazioni metodologiche 393
La quotazione sul mercato azionario: determinante della crescita o strumento di riequilibrio della struttura finanziaria? 388
Academic EurIPO FactBook 2008 388
Entrepreneurial Strategy: Emerging Businesses in Declining Industries 383
Determinanti del valore d'impresa: il caso di aeroporti e compagnie aeree 378
Academic EurIPO FactBook 2007 378
MOOCs. Massive open on-line courses: prospettive e opportunità per l'università italiana 378
Uso ed abuso del diritto d’opzione nelle operazioni di aumento di capitale 371
Higher education reform in Italy: tightening regulation instead of steering at a distance 367
Le agevolazioni fiscali alla quotazione delle imprese: effetti per le imprese e per il mercato finanziario 367
Are hyper-growth firms inherently different? Preliminary evidence from a sample of fast-growing European SMEs 365
The M&A Exit from Science-Based Firms 358
Knowledge transfer at the basis of the competitiveness: A critical review of the main policies 350
Why do not companies go public? Evidence from the IPOs in Italy and in the UK 348
Il Sistema universitario italiano: uno sguardo d’insieme 346
Idee imprenditoriali, managerial skills e crescita delle imprese 345
The market for control of science-based firms 344
Entrepreneurship in mature contexts 344
Underpricing and expected returns for individual and institutional investors: the case of Italy 344
Il futuro dell'università italiana dopo la riforma 342
Management accounting systems and organisational structure 338
Method of analysing ground coffee 337
Valuing university-based firms: the effects of academic affiliation on IPO performance 336
Exploring the rationale and potential of LCCs’ self-interlining 335
Over-optimism when pricing IPOs 332
Hyper-growth among European SMEs: an explorative study 331
European connectivity: the role played by small airports 330
Entrepreneurship as renewal 329
La valutazione delle imprese sui "nuovi mercati" europei 327
The valuation of firms listed on the nuovo mercato: the peer comparables approach 326
The new institutional governance of Italian state universities: what role for the new governing bodies? 326
University competition and local development: a spatial approach 326
Collaborazione fra università ed impresa: gli effetti su innovazione e performance 324
What are the consequences of going public? Evidence from the IPOs in Italy and in the UK 323
The role of the university in twenty-first century European society 322
Airport classification and functionality within the European network 321
Entry Determinants in EU Regions by Low Cost and Traditional Carriers 321
Effects of the financial crisis on university choice by gender 321
Struttura di mercato ed affidabilità delle agenzie di Rating. 320
A comparative study of airport connectivity in China, Europe and US: Which network provides the best service to passengers? 320
Hyper growth among European SMEs: an explorative study 320
Policy turnaround: Towards a new deal for research and higher education. Governance, evaluation and rankings in the big data era 320
The going public decision: evidence from the IPOs in Italy and in the UK 319
Changes of Ownership and Minority Protection. Governance Lessons from the case of Telecom Italia 318
IPO Pricing: Growth Rates Implied in Offer Prices 314
Stock market interdependence during the Iraq war 311
The M&A dynamics of European Science Based Entrepreneurial Firms 311
Il network aeroportuale europeo: sviluppo, connettività, regolazione. 311
Liberalization of International Air Transport: the case of North-Atlantic Market 309
Regulation effects on company beta components 307
External growth strategies of of Academic Spin-Offs 307
Convergence or divergence in University institutional governance reforms? Comparing Napoleonic States 306
Ruolo dei regional innovation system nei modelli di trasformazione territoriale: il RIS-through process 304
Valuing university-based firms 300
Entrepreneurial dimension behind business performance: an empirical investigation 298
L'accordo open skies:EU-US: una prima valutazione degli effetti per l'Italia 298
De-hubbing of airports and their recovery patterns 298
Pricing strategies of low-cost airlines: The Ryanair case study 295
Has Ryanair's pricing strategy changed over time? An empirical analysis of its 2006-2007 flights 295
An empirical investigation on the efficiency, capacity and ownership of Italian airports 291
Totale 64.327
Categoria #
all - tutte 166.551
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 166.551

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204.495 0 0 0 0 0 690 913 470 878 437 491 616
2020/202110.382 1.025 699 384 597 641 901 1.188 523 1.188 1.250 1.295 691
2021/20227.638 555 815 512 614 645 1.029 455 471 515 775 727 525
2022/20234.925 785 454 572 684 502 699 101 247 388 106 224 163
2023/20249.534 150 132 258 246 366 1.904 5.213 339 243 92 128 463
2024/20255.382 363 651 548 2.308 1.399 113 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 86.627