1.4 Contributi in atti di convegno - Contributions in conference proceedings
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 966.260
NA - Nord America 326.430
AS - Asia 101.963
SA - Sud America 2.884
AF - Africa 2.512
OC - Oceania 1.404
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 963
Totale 1.402.416
Nazione #
GB - Regno Unito 354.430
US - Stati Uniti d'America 313.064
IE - Irlanda 195.567
IT - Italia 116.745
PL - Polonia 100.256
RU - Federazione Russa 66.495
CN - Cina 63.625
DE - Germania 35.204
FR - Francia 33.602
SE - Svezia 25.110
SG - Singapore 13.329
UA - Ucraina 13.076
CA - Canada 12.593
NL - Olanda 5.183
FI - Finlandia 4.477
KR - Corea 4.158
IN - India 4.109
AT - Austria 3.519
VN - Vietnam 3.230
EU - Europa 2.260
TR - Turchia 2.197
ID - Indonesia 1.996
BE - Belgio 1.979
HK - Hong Kong 1.974
ES - Italia 1.677
JP - Giappone 1.534
BR - Brasile 1.464
IR - Iran 1.390
RO - Romania 1.359
AU - Australia 1.200
CH - Svizzera 1.200
BG - Bulgaria 1.021
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 885
PT - Portogallo 738
DK - Danimarca 676
GR - Grecia 557
LT - Lituania 551
TW - Taiwan 521
MX - Messico 508
MY - Malesia 505
TH - Thailandia 500
MA - Marocco 498
PH - Filippine 489
NO - Norvegia 421
ZA - Sudafrica 375
CO - Colombia 365
IL - Israele 345
PK - Pakistan 345
TN - Tunisia 338
PE - Perù 296
IQ - Iraq 289
CL - Cile 269
EG - Egitto 246
HU - Ungheria 242
A1 - Anonimo 235
AR - Argentina 233
BD - Bangladesh 218
DZ - Algeria 215
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 201
SA - Arabia Saudita 196
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 174
NG - Nigeria 169
RS - Serbia 167
EC - Ecuador 154
MD - Moldavia 154
HR - Croazia 146
MZ - Mozambico 135
SC - Seychelles 132
KZ - Kazakistan 123
SI - Slovenia 120
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 115
LV - Lettonia 106
BY - Bielorussia 102
AL - Albania 95
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 89
AZ - Azerbaigian 86
SD - Sudan 73
EE - Estonia 68
NP - Nepal 68
LU - Lussemburgo 67
JO - Giordania 62
LK - Sri Lanka 60
KE - Kenya 59
CR - Costa Rica 56
GH - Ghana 47
LB - Libano 46
VE - Venezuela 43
ET - Etiopia 42
PR - Porto Rico 42
CY - Cipro 41
KG - Kirghizistan 41
PS - Palestinian Territory 36
OM - Oman 34
KH - Cambogia 33
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 31
BO - Bolivia 31
BZ - Belize 31
PA - Panama 31
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 28
CI - Costa d'Avorio 27
Totale 1.403.444
Città #
Southend 340.071
Dublin 193.503
Warsaw 99.551
Jacksonville 36.642
Chandler 25.533
Ann Arbor 16.632
Ashburn 16.626
Princeton 15.413
Mountain View 13.794
Nanjing 12.287
Dalmine 10.321
Milan 9.290
Boardman 8.762
Toronto 8.625
Dearborn 8.569
Beijing 8.335
Wilmington 7.472
Singapore 7.268
Bergamo 6.682
Rancio Valcuvia 6.608
Fairfield 6.245
Woodbridge 5.987
Washington 5.918
Houston 5.625
Shanghai 4.819
San Mateo 4.639
Sunnyvale 4.438
Rome 4.399
Nanchang 4.201
Moscow 4.118
Seattle 3.622
Redwood City 3.511
Vienna 3.087
Atlanta 2.933
Andover 2.816
Munich 2.775
Dong Ket 2.599
Cambridge 2.470
Ogden 2.317
Kunming 2.234
Montréal 2.161
Altamura 2.088
Zhengzhou 2.062
Shenyang 2.024
Mcallen 1.976
Guangzhou 1.778
Tianjin 1.772
Hebei 1.742
Kiez 1.658
Los Angeles 1.553
Amsterdam 1.516
Hangzhou 1.493
Jakarta 1.454
Brussels 1.329
London 1.275
Saint Petersburg 1.273
Needham Heights 1.269
Jiaxing 1.266
Brescia 1.204
New York 1.090
Frankfurt am Main 1.026
Turin 1.010
Norwalk 987
Bologna 937
Changsha 928
Helsinki 855
Florence 834
Naples 817
Jinan 803
Padova 783
Palermo 783
Verona 774
Ottawa 735
Shenzhen 712
Dallas 709
Carignano 686
Seoul 682
Pune 653
Hefei 628
Kocaeli 611
Changchun 568
Chicago 568
Lanzhou 568
Auburn Hills 560
Paris 541
Bari 531
Nürnberg 469
Azzano Decimo 465
Fremont 456
Sofia 448
Berlin 445
Torino 437
Catania 432
Westminster 432
Hanoi 430
Redmond 410
Philadelphia 406
Salerno 387
Falls Church 385
Pisa 383
Totale 987.994
Nome #
A new point of view on Product Lifecycle Management 14.767
Intumescent flame retardant properties of graft copolymerized vinyl monomers onto cotton fabric 4.038
The Cronbach-Mesbah Curve for assessing the unidimensionality oh an item set: the R package MCM 2.522
Feedback “implicito” e feedback “esplicito” a confronto: uno studio sperimentale per l’italiano L2 2.070
PixFEL: Enabling technologies, building blocks and architectures for advanced X-ray pixel cameras at the next generation FELs 2.019
Il concetto di felicità e il suo spazio semantico: prospettive a confronto 1.889
Self-Healing Watertight Concretes Manufactured with a Carboxylic Acid Waterproofing Admixture 1.873
Uno sguardo oltre i confini. La sostenibilità dell’inclusione scolastica in Europa 1.601
Water drop impact into a deep pool: influence of the liquid pool temperature 1.346
Mixed-sex in sport for development: a pragmatic and symbolic device 1.346
Il ruolo della lingua materna: dall'analisi contrastiva alle varietà di apprendimento 1.282
«L'arca novella di pace». Su La strada ferrata di Emilio Praga 1.270
Impact of single and multiple drop array on a liquid film 1.255
Spostare lo sguardo: dall’apprendimento dell’italiano all’apprendimento di lingue materne e ‘altre’ culture. Il caso dell’arabo, di figli di migranti marocchini e di inediti approcci interculturali. 1.255
A Java vs. C++ performance evaluation: a 3D modeling benchmark 1.218
Un ambiente open source per la gestione del podcasting e una sua applicazione alla didattica 1.201
Joint Commitment: An Analysis of Emotions and Non-Verbal Behaviors 1.187
Orientarsi nel discorso: segnali discorsivi e segnali pragmatici in italiano 1.176
Valutazione della velocità di corrosione di acciai al carbonio per il trasporto e lo stoccaggio di CO2 ad alta pressione (CCTS) 1.161
A network design model for food ordering and delivery services 1.136
Drop impacts in pools: a comparison between high speed imaging and numerical simulations 1.132
A Reuse-Oriented Development Process for Component-based Robotic Systems 1.110
Oscillating droplet evaporation modelling for spray combustion simulation 1.103
A Domain Specific Language for Modeling Differential Constraints of Mobile Robots 1.096
Automotive Aftermarket Business Model Evolution in the era of Digital Transformation 1.089
Experimental and numerical analysis of the single droplet impact onto stationary ones 1.078
Tempi strambi. Il tramonto del femminismo e l’alba queer 910
Il vocativo nelle lingue slave: un quadro articolato 908
CREC: Un training per promuovere il pensiero flessibile nell’anziano con problematiche neurologiche 882
Application of low-invasive techniques and incremental seismic rehabilitation to increase the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of seismic interventions 879
Optical sensor development for smart textiles 877
Il “triangolo” Milano-Bergamo-Brescia: verso nuovi equilibri sub-regionali 876
Product-Service System (PSS) design: Using Design Thinking and Business Analytics to improve PSS Design 874
Eco-design with TRIZ laws of evolution 865
Turismo e rigenerazione urbana: verso una nuova attrattività territoriale tramite reti e filiere economiche a Bergamo 861
Analytical models for tool wear prediction during AISI 1045 turning operations 843
3D vertical integration technologies for advanced semiconductor radiation sensors and readout electronics 841
0.13μm CMOS technologies for analog front-end circuits in LHC detector upgrades 837
Service component architecture in robotics: the SCA-Orocos integration 822
Electric arc furnace granulated slag as a partial replacement of natural aggregates for concrete production 818
Psychometric validation of the Italian version of Edmondson’s Psychological Safety Scale in the organizational context. 813
Corrosion behavior of a WC/C Coated 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy 803
An Italian perspective of “Dieselgate” related to Volkswagen’s brand image 803
A Model-based Approach to Software Deployment in Robotics 802
Measures of information in multistage stochastic programming 791
A patent review on machine learning techniques and applications: Depicting main players, relations and technology landscapes 784
The multi-path traveling salesman problem with stochastic travel costs. Building realistic instances for city logistics applications 772
TRIZ tools to enhance risk management 771
Agriculture and migration in rural southern Italy in the 2010s: new populisms and a new rural mutualism 770
Rinforzo a taglio di travi in C.A. mediante incamiciature in calcestruzzo ad elevate prestazioni 769
Quale libro digitale? Una ricerca sul campo tra User Centered Design e Progettazione Universale 768
Rinforzo di nodi trave-pilastro con incamiciatura in calcestruzzo fibro-rinforzato ad elevate prestazioni 767
Food, art and tourism as a boost for innovation: successful experiences from Italy 765
Teaching Industrial Robotic Applications for Smart Technologies Engineering Curriculum 765
Modeling pollutant threshold exceedance probabilities in the presence of exogenous variables 762
Augmentative and alternative communication on tablet to help persons with severe disabilities 762
Smart manufacturing as an enabler of servitization: A framework for the business transformation towards a smart service ecosystem 757
Multivariate spatio temporal models for large datasets and joint exposure to airborne multipollutants in Europe 753
Maltrattamento sui minori e pedagogia nera: proposta di uno strumento di misura 750
Meio Ambiente E Turismo Sustentável Em Moçambique: Organização Territorial E Conhecimentos Culturais No Parque Nacional De Zinave 745
Knowledge based approach for formulating TRIZ contradictions 745
Argumentative styles as cultural identity traits in legal studies 737
Come correggere l’errore nell’interazione? Tipi di feedback a confronto 734
FBOS: Function/Behaviour–Oriented Search 733
Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Cement Composites for Monitoring Stress Conditions in Concrete Structures 729
Smart service strategies in Industry 4.0: a proposal of a Readiness Assessment Methodology 728
La psicologia ingenua della felicità e dell’infelicità 727
Evaluation of corrosion resistance of AlSi10Mg and AlSi7Mg alloys manufactured by LPBF 722
Integration of TRIZ derived eco-guidelines and Life Cycle Assessment for sustainable design and process 715
PSS Design Considering Feedback from the Entire Product-Service Lifecycle and Social Media 710
Unmitigated Claims in the Language of Economics RAs 706
An Unified Design Procedure for Flying Machining Operations 703
Abstracts of poster presentations: a diachronic analysis (1980-2010) 702
Cognitive control in severe obese individuals: an ERPs study 702
The role of social networking services to shape the double virtual citizenship of young immigrants in Italy 693
Traceability in the Cocoa Supply Chain: An Indonesian Context 693
Le abitazioni di vacanza nelle valli alpine. Implicazioni sulle destinazioni turistiche 685
A Numerical and Experimental Study of the RCF Behaviour of PVD-coated Spur Gears 684
Towards Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Agricultural Sector 683
Preliminary analysis of low-cost motion capture techniques to support virtual ergonomics 683
Rinforzo di Nodi Trave-Pilastro d’Angolo di Strutture a Telaio in C.A. con Incamiciatura in HPFRC 680
Oneri di urbanizzazione, crescita urbana e debito pubblico di domani 679
Modeling and control of an Internal Bubble Cooling system 677
Effetti del rischio sismico sulla sostenibilità ambientale degli interventi di recupero energetico 674
Beam-Column Joint Retrofitting With High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Jacketing 673
Città metropolitane: divari verticali, orizzontali e territoriali. Evidenze e implicazioni 666
Building credibility within sustainable supply chains: toward a conceptual model 666
Shear strengthening of RC beams with high performance jacket 663
A critical analysis of supply chain integration in the agro-food industry 662
Efficacia comunicativa del digital storytelling: un confronto con lucidi PowerPoint 660
Knowledge based approach for identifying TRIZ contradictions 658
Managing inventories in global sourcing contexts: a contingency perspective 658
3D FEM simulation of flank wear in turning 656
Balancing Product-Service Provider’s Performance and Customer’s Value:the SErvice Engineering Methodology (SEEM) 656
The BRICS Component Model: a Model-Based Development paradigm for complex robotics software systems 655
Mechanical Characterization of Cement Composites Reinforced with Fiberglass, Carbon Nanotubes or Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) at High Strain Rates 654
Rinforzo di nodi trave-pilastro d’angolo con incamiciatura in calcestruzzo fibro-rinforzato ad elevate prestazioni 654
An experimental investigation of the effects of Spindle Speed Variation on tool wear in turning 653
La relazione tra la velocità dell’onda di polso e la depressione nei pazienti ipertesi. 650
The double virtual citizenship of (some) young immigrants in Italy 647
Totale 107.240

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202076.142 0 0 0 0 0 10.758 15.294 7.908 16.386 7.852 8.226 9.718
2020/2021198.831 19.665 11.822 7.215 12.538 11.794 18.614 22.480 8.278 24.452 22.615 29.146 10.212
2021/2022144.332 10.390 15.735 10.499 10.997 12.429 20.158 7.398 5.520 10.144 14.984 16.238 9.840
2022/2023121.908 18.846 11.300 15.160 17.061 10.744 14.367 2.917 7.439 9.594 3.624 6.109 4.747
2023/2024262.202 4.544 5.265 7.207 6.273 9.651 51.066 148.985 10.122 5.561 2.559 2.803 8.166
2024/202576.859 9.346 16.976 10.536 30.497 6.441 3.063 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.446.350